Episode 3

Consumer Debt, pt. 1, w. Louis Hyman of Cornell

Published on: 14th September, 2022

Consumer debt powers a huge swath of the US economy. The ease with which we are able to access and use debt today is a wholly modern invention. Even a couple hundred years ago, debt was something that could potentially land you in prison and was largely unavailable to the average consumer.

Join us as we explore the evolution of debt from something that was abhorred to something that is a normal part of the everyday consumer's life, with Professor Louis Hyman of Cornell.

Louis Hyman is a historian of work and business at the ILR School of Cornell University, where he also directs the Institute for Workplace Studies in New York City. He has published two books on the history of personal debt (Debtor Nation and Borrow) and a history of how American work became so insecure (Temp).

Originally from Baltimore, Hyman received a BA in history and mathematics from Columbia University. A former Fulbright scholar and McKinsey associate, he received his PhD in American history from Harvard University.

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Riches and Power
The history of the things that shaped our world.
Listen in on interviews with world-renowned experts exploring the forces in history that shaped the world both then, and now. The topics we explore vary from whaling, to the Roman games, but they always touch on the intersection between riches and power, particularly in business and economic history.

About your host

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Alex Doubet

While Alex is an entrepreneur, his first love was history (AB in History, Harvard, 2010). His studies in history primarily focused on business history, particularly the Industrial Revolution. When not podcasting, Alex is the Managing Partner of a real estate investing fund.